125 Years

Christ Lutheran Church:  125 Years and Counting…

The first weekend in May, Christ Lutheran Church is hosting a celebratory weekend, looking back at a century and a quarter of our history, and looking forward to God’s promise to be with us now and into the future.  (See invitation on page (?) )

In 1898, a handful of Aurora area residents of German ancestry first gathered for worship in an Ox Barn, now The Old Aurora Colony Museum Building.  One year later, in 1899, they formally chartered what is now Christ Lutheran Church in Aurora, Oregon.  

For 125 years, this community of faith has celebrated numerous milestones and persevered through difficult times.  All along the way, the Word of God has been proclaimed and the Sacraments have been celebrated.  Baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and funerals have happened.  Neighbors have helped neighbors.  We have been the Body of Christ!

Some accomplishments along the way…

Built the first Church and Parsonage (1901 and 1903 respectively)

Completed a new Church and new Parsonage (1956 and 1957 respectively)

Established two important ministries to address unmet needs; ministries that still exist today.  

  • At the encouragement of a daughter of the congregation in 1926, Christ Lutheran helped found Luther House Campus Ministry at Oregon State.
  • In 1990, CLC formed The Aurora Transitional Shelter Ministry to help homeless families get back on their feet.  Dozens of families have been served and helped to transition from homelessness to stable housing. 

Added a Praise Band to our worship in the 1990’s, featuring talented local musicians.  Our musicians are a blessing.  

With Aurora Presbyterian Church, Christ Lutheran started the Backpack Buddies program at North Marion Schools in 2004.  To date, over 75,000 weekend meals to kids at risk of hunger have been delivered.

CLC helped establish Jubilee Food Pantry in 2010, signing up as the first covenant congregation to partner with the Coulombe Family in Hubbard.  For 12 years, Christ Lutheran was instrumental in supporting Andy and Serenity’s calling to help feed their neighbors and create community.

Some obstacles along the way…

Numerous economic downturns, including the Great Depression (1929-1939)

Anti-German bias during and after World War I, led the congregation to offer English language services and a temporary new name:  Christ English Lutheran Church.

Survived and eventually thrived after two global pandemics (Spanish Flu 1918-1920 and COVID 19 one hundred years later).

A second World War (1939-1945) that killed millions worldwide and the Cold War (1947-1991), with its ongoing threat of thermonuclear war.  

Adapting to 125 years of historical and cultural changes while remaining a vital congregation, faithful to its mission to love God and neighbor.

The Present and Future…

Christ Lutheran Church is known in the community for working collaboratively to help our neighbors.  

In 2017, we helped create the North Marion Resource Guide and to establish the North Marion Services Team, a collaborative monthly gathering of community partners that works to share resources and meet needs in the North Marion School District Catchment Area.  

For over 20 years, we have hosted a Sunday AA/Alanon group.  Since the pandemic, we now host an additional group on Tuesday nights and a Friday “Wellbriety” recovery group.  Wellbriety uses traditional Native American practices in conjunction with 12-step practices to encourage the healing of the entire family system.  

We host monthly meetings of the Aurora Emergency Preparedness Team, store emergency caches of medical supplies and water. 

We support the mission of the Aurora Colony Museum and host their annual meeting as well as occasional speakers of interest.  

As it says on our website, “Christ Lutheran celebrates the past and embraces the future.”

Please plan to celebrate 125 years with us!


Pastor Craig