Members and friends of Christ Lutheran Church support our mission and ministry with their time and talent, as well as with their treasure. Financial gifts to Christ Lutheran support our day-to-day operations, as well as our outreach ministries in the community.
At each worship service, we take time for the offering. Ushers pass a plate to collection donations from members and visitors in support of our daily church operations and mission. You can make a donation with cash or a check.
The Christ Lutheran Church Endowment is an invested fund that yields interest we are then able to use for special purposes. Donations to the endowment can be all-purpose, or they can be for a specific need or mission.
Current endowment fund categories include hunger prevention, outreach, education (college and technical school scholarships), and seminarian support. New fund categories can be established at the discretion of the Christ Lutheran Church Endowment Committee.
Endowment Fund Brochure (pdf)
Any gift can be given in memory of a loved one, but Christ Lutheran Church does have a number of memorial categories that have been created for specific purposes. Unlike an endowment, the entirety of the gift, not just the interest, is used for that purpose.
Current memorial fund categories include deacon’s fund (help to members and others in need), kitchen support, chancel and altar care, and undesignated. In addition, memorial gifts can be made to directly support the Aurora Transitional Shelter or the Christ Lutheran Quilters.
Memorial Fund Brochure (pdf)