Children & Youth


Children are invited to participate in our worships service on Sunday mornings by coming forward for a special children’s message during the service. They are then welcomed to participate in childcare offered upstairs. Children return for the end of the worship service when they are encouraged to play music with the praise band.

Middle school youth participate in a cooperative confirmation program called ACMe, which uses games, music, drama, scripture study and small groups to connect head knowledge with heart faith. The confirmation group meets on Sunday evenings through the school year.


Each summer, we partner with our friends at Aurora Presbyterian Church for Adventure Days. Young children participate in the week of activity, song, worship, and fun. Our middle and high school youth are vital in helping lead and mentor children during VBS.


All youth, including those of high school age, are encouraged to connect with the ministries of Camp Lutherwood near Eugene. We are able to provide scholarships to offset some of the costs of camp.


Our high school members are active leaders in our congregation, volunteering in our praise band, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and congregational council. They also are active in community service, volunteering at Jubilee Food Pantry in Hubbard and participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring, a nationwide hunger prevention initiative founded by youth.